Saturday, May 22, 2010

how to read and interpret the Old Testament

"Basically what happens in this Old Testament - New Testament relationship is the Old Testament asks the question and the New Testament answers it. The Old Testament paints a picture and the New Testament explains the picture. The Old Testament is prophecies and promises made and the New Testament is promises fulfilled."

-Matt Chandler,
Ecclesiastes sermon series

Monday, April 26, 2010

how much sin have you been forgiven?

"People who have a weak view of there own sin... will carry a weak view of grace and love. When Jesus was at the home of Simon the Pharisee, watching the sinful woman wiping his feet with her tears, he said the one who has been forgiven much loves much. And those who have been forgiven little, love little (Luke 7:47). If we don't realize the magnitude of what we've been forgiven, we may identify more with the Pharisee than the woman."

J. Mack Stiles, Marks of the Messenger, p. 30-31

Friday, April 9, 2010

To whom (or what) is your worship directed?

"We worship our way into sin, and we have to worship our way out.
...the sin problem is just a symptom of the deeper worship problem. [Our] affections are set somewhere else. And wherever our affections are set is where our behavior will go."

- Jared Wilson,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

don't waste your mess

“The Gospel is not a sales pitch! It’s not a promise that everything is going to be neat and clean and you’re going to have your better life. It’s a promise that there will be trouble. There will be persecution. There will be trials… but God is going to meet you in the midst of it. If we embrace the mess of our lives, then we can embrace the SAVIOUR who is going to meet us in the midst of that mess!”

-Toby Kurth, sermon entitled Don't Waste Your Mess, Grace Church Frisco, 2009

Saturday, April 3, 2010

the simple inexhaustible gospel

"The gospel is so simple that small children can understand it, and it is so profound that studies by the wisest theologians will never exhaust its riches."
-Charles Hodge

looking for the perfect church?

The day we find the perfect church, it becomes imperfect the moment we join it.
-Charles H. Spurgeon

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

good news if you're sick (or poor)...

Poverty and affliction take away the fuel that feeds pride.

—Richard Sibbes

Monday, March 29, 2010

today is a gift

"So here it is, another day. I did nothing to deserve it. I just woke up this morning, and there it was. I may have expected it to be there, but I had no right to. Just like Christmas morning, I got up to find a present waiting for me, a brand new day.Yes, today is a gift. And it has my name on the tag. This present from God has been custom-made for me. God has filled it with blessings, some obvious and some in disguise. Its difficulties and challenges are tailored to fit my size. It may not be exactly what I asked for, but it is exactly what I need."

-Russell Board, World Magazine, November 18, 2006

Friday, March 26, 2010

today is the first day of the rest of your life

" I frequently hear persons in old age say how they would live, if they were to live their lives over again: Resolved, that I will live just so as I can think I shall wish I had done, supposing I live to old age."

-Jonathan Edwards July 8, 1723.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

How To Glorify God

"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him"

-John Piper